British Prime Minister Theresa May expected to resign over Brexit fallout — but why now?

By Erin Handley

After almost three years as Prime Minister, Theresa May’s tenacity has seen her survive a number of political setbacks.

Arguably the least enviable leader in the world, Mrs May’s political fate has always been entangled with the “poisoned chalice” of Brexit.

She took on the Conservative Party leadership after David Cameron’s resignation following the shock pro-Brexit referendum vote in 2016, and in doing so was handed the task of steering the UK’s departure from the European Union.

At the UK election the following year, in which she expected to strengthen her position, Mrs May lost her majority to a hung parliament.

In January this year, she narrowly survived a no-confidence vote after her Brexit withdrawal plan suffered an historic defeat on the floor of Parliament.

In March, she offered herself as a political sacrifice or bargaining chip — vowing to step aside if her Brexit divorce deal went through.

Her Brexit withdrawal plan was rejected twice more, but Mrs May wanted to bring her new Brexit deal — which observers say is mere “window-dressing” — to Parliament for a fourth time.

After weathering a litany of political setbacks, why does Mrs May’s signalled resignation come now?

‘Out of options’

The combination of Mrs May’s failed EU deal, an expected “catastrophic” outcome at the European elections, and those within her own ranks running out of patience has made Mrs May’s position untenable, according to Jon Tonge, an expert in British and Irish politics at the University of Liverpool.

Mrs May’s latest tilt to get her deal through prompted Brexiteer Andrea Leadsom to resign from the UK cabinet. She is the 36th minister to resign under Mrs May’s leadership.

The latest version of Ms May’s Withdrawal Agreement bill opens the door for a parliamentary vote on whether a second Brexit referendum should be put to the people — alienating both Brexit proponents, who argue the people’s will has already been gauged, and Remain advocates, who have no guarantee of a second referendum.

Professor Tonge said that prospect of a second referendum, with which she did not agree (she once warned it would be a “gross betrayal” of democracy), failed to win over Labour and lost Mrs May supporters.

There’s a certain irony in the past three years of Mrs May’s political career — that in trying to appease all sides, she ultimately pleased no-one and alienated everyone.

“Part of the reason why now she’s haemorrhaging so many supporters is because she’s managed to tick off just about everybody,” said Anne McNaughton, deputy director at the Australian National University’s Centre for European Studies.

“And that’s possibly a lesson in terms of leadership — you have to be clear on your own position … the leader takes people with them along their path, but you’ve got to have a clear view of where you’re going.”

The EU elections, too, could serve as a litmus test or de facto referendum on Brexit, she said.

Mareike Kleine, associate professor of EU and international politics at the London School of Economics and Political Science, said Mrs May had made a series of miscalculations.

“She’s now run out of options,” Dr Kleine said.

Doomed from the start?

“Any Tory PM was doomed in the sense that Brexit, with nobody changing his or her mind, was always a choice between splitting up the Tories or splitting up the country,” Dr Kleine said.

“Unfortunately, the many miscalculations and the associated rhetoric meant that May only managed to aggravate existing cleavages.”

The country is more divided than ever, Dr Kleine said, with factions moving towards extremes: Brexiteers have become ‘No Deal’ Brexiteers, while Remain voters have become less and less willing to accept any form of Brexit.

Conservative peer in the House of Lords Robert Hayward said Mrs May had won admiration through “her sheer determination”, “because she was trying so desperately to deliver something on behalf of the nation”.

Once regarded as a strength, her tenacity has now come to be viewed as an inability to compromise.

“Her dogged determination had not delivered, and therefore has brought her downfall,” Lord Hayward said.

“She inherited a nigh-on impossible position, but is perceived to have made the impossible position utterly insoluble.”

Where to next?

Lord Hayward points out the selection process for a new Conservatives leader and Prime Minister is a cumbersome and protracted process, whittling down candidates until two are left, who then embark on regional hustings across the UK.

In the meantime, the extended Brexit deadline, October 31, looms.

Some names being thrown about for the next leader are Boris Johnson, Michael Gove and Dominic Raab.

Mr Johnson, who appears the popular frontrunner but may lack support from MPs he’s sidelined, and other critics of Mrs May’s approach have often “completely misrepresented the complexity” of leaving the EU, Dr McNaughton said.

“The point of economic integration is to integrate — it’s like making an omelette,” she said.

“To try and unscramble that and extricate yourself from that takes a bit of planning and a bit of forethought.”

In terms of Brexit’s relations with the EU going forward, Dr McNaughton sees three possibilities: either the UK crashes out of the EU without a deal; it revokes article 50 with or without a referendum and simply stays in the EU; or it goes back to the EU to request another delay.

Professor Tonge adds a fourth — a second Brexit referendum.

Given many in the Conservative party would be opposed to remaining in the EU, and several MPs are opposed to leaving without a deal, Professor Tonge said either a Brexit delay or a second referendum are the most likely options.