Exclusive interview with a representative of the “yellow vests”

The situation that can be observed today by Germans in their own country is far from the ideas of a free and democratic Europe, which they are desperately trying to depict.

Impunity of Islamists and fascists is striking. They can do anything if it is not incitement or an attempt to discredit the constitutional rights of the Germans. But the situation is changing dramatically when it comes to people trying to defend these rights, calling on the authorities of the Federal Republic of Germany to respond to numerous crimes of illegal immigrants, told the representative of the movement of “yellow vests” in Berlin, Eric Graziani.

NEWS FRONT: Hello, Eric, first of all, we want to thank you for taking the time for us. We appreciate it very much. And now the question: what kind of violation did you commit that you were blocked on Facebook?

Eric Graziani: I posted an announcement about the event about three months ago.

NEWS FRONT: I see. But the question was rather what rules, standards or principles of Facebook you violated in this post. Did you leave a “non-politically correct” comment?

Eric Graziani: No, as I said, it was just a reference to an officially approved event in Erfurt [a city in central Germany], no more and no less.

NEWS FRONT: Do you know any such cases of censorship?

Eric Graziani: Swiss civil rights activist Ignaz Barth, who wished his fans a good weekend, was also blocked on Facebook.

NEWS FRONT: Incredible. If so, the Federal Republic of Germany is gradually turning into a “banana republic” without freedom of speech, like North Korea. Why does Facebook do this?

Eric Graziani: It’s not clear what principle Facebook is on. Meanwhile, Facebook is not a “social” network, and this arbitrary censorship is incompatible with a common understanding of democracy in an open society. We will take action immediately.

NEWS FRONT: This is our next question. What specific measures are planned as a result of the arbitrariness of Facebook?

Eric Graziani: We will switch to social networks without censorship, and I urge other victims of censorship on Facebook. An old Indian proverb says: When you realize that you are sitting on a dead horse, you need to dismount.

NEWS FRONT: What uncensored networks can we recommend to our readers?

Eric Graziani: The equivalent substitute for Facebook is VKontakte. We are going to move all the events there. In addition, new groups are opening in Telegram, and we have chosen Discord for direct communication.

NEWS FRONT: How can followers of the “yellow vests” in Berlin communicate with you in new media?

Eric Graziani: Simply enter my name on the social network VKontakte and send a friend request. In my profile you can find all the links and instructions.

NEWS FRONT: Thanks to you, we have many interesting aspects for editorial work and reporting. We will be glad if you can continue to keep our readers abreast of the latest events in the life of the “yellow vests” in Berlin. We hope for further cooperation.

Eric Graziani: I wish “yellow vests” and, of course, all readers of News Front a pleasant weekend.