Polish FM: EU should give Britain more time to reconsider Brexit

The European Union should allow Britain as much time as needed to reconsider Brexit, Poland’s Foreign Minister Jacek Czaputowicz told Reuters.

Three years after the referendum vote to quit the European Union, Britain is still struggling to agree on how and whether to leave the EU, which has recently agreed to put off the departure day to October to give London time to regroup.

Poland’s ruling eurosceptics have long argued the EU needs to be more accommodating to London, disagreeing with a more hawkish camp led by France, whose President Emmanuel Macron had sought to attach strict conditions to any delay.

Czaputowicz said Britain should be given more leeway ahead.

“From Poland’s point of view, it would be good if Brexit would not happen,” he said in comments cleared for release late on Tuesday. “It’s a matter of changing the rhetoric to let the Brits rethink their decision.”

“We should go soft on Britain, give them time, they are still in the EU, let’s give them space to take decision,” Czaputowicz said, adding that Britain could count on the EU granting further Brexit delays, or revoke its leave notice.