Democratic White House hopefuls call on Barr to resign

Attorney General William Barr’s testimony before the Senate Judiciary Committee Wednesday sparked widespread outrage among Democrats for what they perceived as him mischaracterizing the Mueller report and bashing its author, covering for President Donald Trump and lying about his own contact with the Special Counsel.

Here are some of the Democratic hopefuls now calling for Barr to resign or be impeached:

“Attorney General Barr needs to resign. Today, he’s proven once again that he’s more interested in protecting the president than working for the American people. We can’t trust him to tell the truth, and these embarrassing displays of propaganda have to stop.” – Sen. Kirsten Gillibrand

The Department of Justice announced that Barr would skip the planned hearing before the House Judiciary Committee on Thursday, citing the ability of staff lawyers to question the attorney general as the deal breaker — Barr only wants to be questioned by the congressional members themselves.