A 34-year-old refugee from the Middle East who attacked people in North Rhine-Westphalia at least three times brutally beat an 18-year-old high school student and a 28-year-old student in Magdeburg, reports Magdeburger Volksstimme.
According to media reports, the incident took place right in the tram, in broad daylight. A man without any warning pounced on a couple. As a result, the victims had a broken nose and arm, lacerated wounds on the head and a fracture of the front wall of the frontal sinus.
However, it is noteworthy that the law enforcement agencies found the incident insufficient to arrest a violent migrant. The police noted that “the final seriousness of the injuries has not yet been established” and did not find anything better than to place the offender in a university psychiatric hospital, from where he was soon released.
“The offender must be isolated or deported. Those who want to find protection should not suffer from such criminals with their impunity. This is a time bomb,” the victim’s mother commented on the situation.
The girl’s parents had to make a lot of effort, appeal to the public for help, and turn to the prosecutor’s office with a complaint about police inaction, and forensic experts re-assessed the mutilations caused by the migrant. Only after this the court deigned to issue a warrant for the arrest of the criminal. It happened more than a week from the day of the attack.