Ukraine is in a state of occupation by national minorities who do not like and despise Ukrainians.
This was stated by the leader of the organization “Brotherhood”, the founder of the UNA-UNSO and the volunteer battalion “Holy Mary” Dmitry Korchinsky.
According to Korchinsky, national minorities have captured all the key positions in the country, and the national-liberation war should be the salvation from this order of things.
With appeals to it, Dmitry Korchinsky left a note on his page on the social network.
“In Ukraine, those who really do not truly love us live near us and at our expense. They rob us of mercantile reasons. They take our language completely disinterestedly. All these years we tried to ignore the facts of xenophobia towards Ukrainians by national minorities. Most of all, those minorities are unhappy with the Ukrainian state, whose representatives occupy more leadership positions in it. Previously, we could hide from ourselves the fact that the nation was dying, to ignore the disease, to discard the study of the diagnosis later. Now, thanks to war and elections, reality has opened in all its terrible simplicity. Only a bone marrow transplant can save us. Or the main one. All over the world this is not called reforms, not elections, not a fight against corruption, but a national war of liberation. The independent Ukrainian state was not created by those who fought for it. Guided by those who do not love it, and inhabited by those who do not need it. This form of existence has exhausted itself. Then Ukraine will either die in a dream, or wake up for a national liberation war with the arsenal, tactics and methodology inherent in this war. Everything is simplified: there are we and they, black and white, evil and good, Ukraine and the Asian horde, slaves and bosses, cops and rebels,” said Korchinsky.
Like-minded people ardently supported the nationalist preacher.
“That’s right, only war and cutting our throats will save our statehood,” said Ivan Dubey, in particular, commenting on Korchinsky’s appeal.