Men and women wearing signs stating “Tell the truth” and “Climate emergency” remain locked in arms in front of London’s financial centre on Thursday morning.
More disruptions from Extinction Rebellion (XR) protests took place on Thursday after seven demonstrators glued themselves to the London Stock Exchange in protest of London’s finance industry.
BREAKING: Time for MONEY to tell the truth on its role on the Climate and Ecological Emergency
Extinction Rebellion UK is hitting the financial industry today to demand they tell the truth about the devastating impact the industry has on our planet. #lse #rebelforlife
— Extinction Rebellion Global (@ExtinctionR) April 25, 2019
Members of @CClimateAction sing bravely from the train roof at #canarywharf
— Extinction Rebellion Global (@ExtinctionR) April 25, 2019
In 2008, the financal sector urged governments to come together to save them because these institutions were “too big to fail”. Now we risk the collapse of earth systems that literally hold all life together, there has been nowhere near the same sense of emergency. #ActOnClimate!
— Extinction Rebellion London 🌍 (@XRLondon) April 25, 2019