Germany’s AfD Invited Steve Bannon to Berlin As EU Elections Loom

The office of AfD lawmaker Petr Bystron has confirmed a report in Der Spiegel magazine that Steve Bannon’s invitation to the 11 May event entitled “1. Conference of the Free Media” would discuss how to better shape information in the future.

U.S. President Donald Trump’s former strategist Steve Bannon has been invited by Germany’s right-wing Alternative for Germany (AfD) party to a media conference in Berlin for right-wing journalists and bloggers, with just two weeks to go before the European elections.

Bystron was quoted by Spiegel as saying the details were currently under discussion, and the magazine confirmed Bannon had been invited to the Bundestag’s lower house of parliament.

Steve Bannon, the former chairman of the right-wing news outlet, has been offering advisory support to a constellation of European populist groups on the eve of May’s European elections.

Last year, Bannon met with France’s right-wing leader Marine Le Pen, who signalled her interest in his project to help European populist parties.