Today, April 21, the whole of Ukraine chooses the head of state, for the post of which two candidates are competing, who won in the first round of the presidential election – Vladimir Zelensky and Petro Poroshenko. According to exit polls, Vladimir Zelensky won the second round of the presidential election, gaining 73.2% of the vote.
The published data is based on information as of 18:00. In the first place is Vladimir Zelensky (73.2% of the vote). On the second – Petro Poroshenko (25.3% of the vote).
The national exit polls were conducted by the Democratic Initiatives Foundation, the Ukrainian Rozumkov Center for Economic and Political Research, and the staff of the KIIS (Kiev International Institute of Sociology).
Detailed information will be made public at 22:00, unlike the first round, when the data was made public at 23:00. Since there are only two candidates on the ballot papers, the processing of exit data from polling stations will be faster. This was stated by the Director of the Foundation for Democratic Initiatives named after Ilka Kucheriva Irina Bekeshkina.
Surveys were conducted at 300 polling stations throughout Ukraine.
Recall that according to the results of the national exit polls in the first round of the presidential election, the victory was won by Vladimir Zelensky, who collected 30.4% of the vote, while Petro Poroshenko won only 17.8%.
It is expected that the first official result of the vote, the head of the Central Election Commission of Ukraine Tatyana Slipachuk announce the first few hours after the closure of polling stations.
It is also known that in six polling stations interviewers of the National Exitpole were not allowed to conduct a survey. Thus, according to the PR-manager of the KIIS Tatyana Pyaskovskaya, the chairperson of the polling station No. 210328 in Transcarpathia prohibited the exit-poll to work.
In Cherkassy, at the polling station No. 711014, the chairman of the commission tried to ban conducting exit polls, she demanded interviewers with badges with photos and personalized letters.
In general, the work involved about 750 people. The sample size is made up of about 13,000 respondents. The error of national exit polls is not more than 2%.