Daesh kills 27 Syrian soldiers east of Homs

Takfiri Daesh terrorists have reportedly killed nearly 27 Syrian soldiers in a desert in the east of the country’s central province of Homs.

The so-called Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said Statuary that the troops, among them four senior army officers, were killed during clashes over the past 48 hours.

The Britain-based monitoring group described the attack as the deadliest against Syrian government forces in recent months.

Six members of the terror group were killed in the clashes, the observatory said.

Daesh, which once held large swaths of land in Syria and Iraq, has now been completely defeated in both Arab countries and has lost almost all of its occupied territories.

The terror group holds a tiny pocket of territory in the vast Syrian Desert, known as Badia, near the Iraq border. The terrorists use unpopulated areas of Badia as their hideouts to carry out hit-and-run attacks on Syrian troops.