Attorney General William Barr intends today to hold a press conference on the publication of the report by Robert Muller.
For three weeks, the Department of Justice studied the Muller report and censored those aspects of it that carry confidential information. This is a standard practice for law enforcement agencies, which, however, caused widespread outrage among the liberal public.
The head of the legal committee of the Congress, Jerry Nadler, promised on Friday to write out an agenda to the Prosecutor General with a request to provide the full, uncensored text of Muller’s report. He can hardly hope to win in court – for Nadler and other Democrats, this is only part of a political circus.
Democratic Party leadership calls Barr “Trump’s personal speechwriter.” They are already confident that Barr will try in the best light for the President to present the notorious report at a press conference. None of them, of course, wants to answer a simple question – if Barr’s conclusions somehow contradict Muller’s words, then why didn’t he complain to the Prosecutor General?
The main liberal narrative now sounds like this: Barr and Muller conspired to hide the most “dangerous” results of the investigation for Trump. They may appear in the report, but they may not. And now Barr, they say, is trying to alter the report altogether so that nothing is clear from it.
It sounds rather ridiculous, but it is rather a sign of despair. They do not recognize any outcome of the investigation that does not fit their picture of the world. And here it is completely not important, in the full kind the report will be presented or in some cut down.
by Paul Char