EU Parliament approves increase of border and coast guards

The European Parliament approved on Wednesday a proposal for a 10,000 person increase of the permanent body of European Border and Coast Guards Agency (formerly Frontex) by 2027.
The motion was adopted by 403 votes for, 162 against and 44 abstentions. 

President of the European Commission Jean-Claude Juncker had requested that the 10,000 officers be operational as early as 2020. 

Member States, however, preferred a later deadline, mostly due to the budgetary impact of such an effort. Others, such as Italy, Spain, Greece and Hungary, also argued their opposition to being deprived of sovereignty over their borders in case of a European Agency intervention. 

These misgivings were described by Juncker as “abysmal hypocrisy”, since European leaders clamour for a strengthening of Europe’s borders against illegal immigration. 

The modified European Border and Coast Guards Agency (Frontex) will also include a reserve for rapid response deployment in emergencies. 

The measures must still be approved by Member States (Council).