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Ukraine’s presidential election: Poroshenko’s team sabotages the electoral process

The team of the current president of Ukraine, Petro Poroshenko, is sabotaging the process of preparing for the second round of elections, which will be held in a week.

According to journalist Sonia Koshkina, the problem is that precinct commissions in a number of Ukrainian regions cannot be formed due to the fact that representatives of the guarantor sent there only two people.

However, she stressed that the trend is observed in the central and southern regions of the country. The fact is that between two rounds the composition of the commissions is subject to change. They are formed from representatives of the two remaining candidates, who must send 6 people to small commissions, 7 to medium and 8 to large.

It should be noted that in the case of incomplete commissions, the CEC will intervene in the matter. He can order to compensate for the lack of representatives of the other side, but it should be borne in mind that the CEC is completely loyal to the current president and consists of his appointees. But even if the commission will have to be filled at the expense of the people of Vladimir Zelensky, this will be done at the last moment. That is, in the shortest possible time it will be necessary to find people and financial resources to pay for the work. Even after the first round at the headquarters of Zelensky it was noted that the personnel issue is a difficult task for “Ze! Team”.