Now representatives of Russia on various occasions are talking about the need to facilitate the return of refugees. Lebanon is one of the most involved countries in this problem, with 1.5 million refugees concentrated here. Would you tell us how the process is going on here in Lebanon, and how exactly Russia could contribute to it?
Lebanese, like Russia, have in recent years been in favor of the return of Syrian refugees to their homeland under the presence of, of course, appropriate conditions. The opportunity for a serious study of the question was opened when significant territories were freed from terrorists in Syria. That is, the moment has come for qualitative changes for the better, including the massive repatriation of refugees or, more precisely, of temporarily displaced persons.
In July last year, we called for this and began to contribute to the solution of the tasks in this context. Of course, almost all of this concerns efforts in Syria. Infrastructure is being restored there, housing is being built. The Syrian authorities are taking administrative and other measures to facilitate the resettlement of returning refugees. In order to coordinate efforts, the Russian side created a center for their reception, distribution and placement in Damascus. The Interdepartmental Coordination Headquarters meets regularly in Moscow. As for Lebanon, our Embassy cooperates with local authorities within the framework of the Lebanon-Russian Committee.
It must be said that the Lebanese immediately welcomed the Russian initiative. However, it should be borne in mind that the national consensus in Lebanon refers only to the rejection of the prospect of naturalization of Syrian refugees in Lebanon. But as to whether it is necessary to encourage repatriation in the present conditions, there is no unity in the political class. [Lebanese] President M.Aoun aims to move towards the realization of this goal. His line enjoys widespread support in parliament and government.
But there is anther opinion – that the task of returning refugees, like the reconstruction in Syria, should be postponed until a political settlement of the Syrian conflict is reached. This is the same position that the Western and rich Arab countries of the Persian Gulf adhere to. They remain opponents of the Syrian authorities and seek to show that the situation is still far from normalization.
Whatever it was, but work on repatriation in accordance with all international criteria in the safe areas goes. Logistically, this is ensured by the General Directorate of General Security of Lebanon, which receives appeals from refugees and sends them to the Syrian Security Service.