Iran’s Parliamentary Speaker underlined that the US withdrawal from international agreements such as the Paris Agreement on Climate Change has led to the creation of climate problems in various countries.
Addressing a meeting of parliament staff, Larijani emphasized that the US statesmen had carried out heinous behavior and violated another agreement, adding, ‘The US officials not only violated the agreement with Iran, but also undermined the important international agreements such as Paris Agreement on Climate Change, which all countries are involved in, and causes the lack of motivation for other member-states and the creation of climate problems in different countries.’
He stated, “Americans broke the Russian missile and nuclear agreement after years of talks about Salt 1 and 2, which was aimed at preventing missile races, and were engaging with Europeans and China differently.”
‘Americans have shown that they are irresponsible and are looking for economic terrorist acts,’ the Larijani said, adding, ‘The US exited from a deal with Iran that their previous president wrote letter twice and asked for a dialogue and said that he was looking for negotiations to reach the result.’
But after two and a half years of talks, Larijani said, the new president undermined the nuclear deal, indicating the United States is not committed to any agreement, and makes it clear that the country does not adhere to any of the international rules.
He emphasized Iran’s accountability, saying, ‘While Iran had the right to withdraw from the nuclear deal, it did not go away so hope could not be lost on the international scene.’