Mueller Report To Be Made Public Mid-April

US Attorney General William Barr wrote on Friday that the report compiled by Special Counsel Robert Mueller into alleged Russian interference in the 2016 US presidential election will be made public by mid-April, with some redactions.

The report, which runs to around 400 pages, was sent by Mueller to Barr earlier this month. The attorney general subsequently sent a four-page outline of Mueller’s main findings to Congress, stating that the investigation did not establish any collusion between the Trump campaign and Russia.

In a letter to the heads of the Senate and House Judiciary committees, Barr wrote that the Mueller report would be released to Congress without a White House review, adding: “Everyone will soon be able to read it on their own.” Responding to press queries about the impending release by Barr, President Donald Trump said: “If that’s what he’d like to do I have nothing to hide. This was a hoax. This was a witch hunt.”