When the Crimean Peninsula was reunited with Russia by the will of its inhabitants, in Europe it was immediately called “occupation”, but for some reason they call the real occupation of Kosovo “democracy”, at the same time justifying the aggression of the North Atlantic alliance.
This statement was made by MEP from the “Europe of Nations and Freedoms” faction Jean-Luc Schaffhauser during a meeting in Brussels, at which European Commissioner for Enlargement and Neighborhood Policy Johannes Hahn said that the European Union “did not recognize and never will recognize” the reunification of Crimea with the Russian Federation calling it a “violation of international law.”
In turn, Schaffhauser caught Europe in hypocrisy and double standards, which are perfectly visible when comparing the situation with the Crimea and Kosovo.
“What you deprive the inhabitants of Crimea, you allow the inhabitants of Kosovo. You call the situation in Crimea illegal occupation, but justify the illegal occupation of Kosovo. You condemn the Russians, but justify the invasion of NATO into Yugoslavia,” he said.
According to him, when the European Parliament “condemns the referendum” in the Crimea, which passed according to all democratic norms, it does not oppose the declaration of independence of Kosovo, with which Pristina openly violated the UN resolution. Moreover, when in Brussels they talk about legal norms, all without undue criticism support the Kiev regime, which came to power as a result of a coup d’état.