McConnell Blocks Dems Motion for Bill Calling on DoJ to Release Mueller Report

Republican Majority Leader Mitch McConnell said Monday he had blocked a second attempt by Democrats to pass a measure for a proposed bill calling on the US Department of Justice to release the Mueller investigation to the public, Reuters reported.
Earlier on Monday, US Democratic congressional leaders, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi and Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, called for a full release of special counsel Robert Mueller’s report on alleged Russia collusion. They argued that the US Attorney General William Barr had a “public record of bias against the Special Counsel’s inquiry” and was therefore not a “neutral observer” who would be in a position to summarize the report.

Earlier this month, the US House of Representatives voted 420-0 in favor of making the report public. 
Trump has repeatedly dismissed the probe as a partisan witch hunt, emphasized no evidence has been shown in more than two years and said there is no evidence to begin with because there was no collusion.