Ex-EU Official: NATO used humanitarian crisis to justify bombings

The cause of the NATO alliance’s aggression against the FRY was not one, but a whole range of motives. There was no focus on decisions about the bombing of European countries. North Atlantic Alliance, which after the end of the Cold War actually became redundant.

Rainer Rupp, a former high-ranking German official in Brussels, a former intelligence agent of the German Democratic Republic (GDR), told a correspondent for the Serbian newspaper Novosti.

What was really aggression on the FRY?

– Without NATO Alliance, USA. Only through NATO can Washington be the first to use its ambitions in order to influence, first of all, the growth of the armed forces in a member state of this alliance.

Then it seemed that these ambitions were approaching the inevitable end. This would be a huge problem for the United States, because they lost their influence only on Western Europe. I was still at NATO headquarters when in 1991 or in 1992 I arrived in Washington asking to be expelled from Washington to Europe: “I don’t think the East can be your courtyard, from which we Americans are excluded.”

What did the Europeans do at the time?

They were actively involved in the internal problems of other countries. Thus, the Germans in Slovenia worked on the “dismantling” of the FRY. When Berlin, after the collapse of the former Yugoslavia, recognized independent states, they had to make great efforts to convince other countries to consider such proposals.

Aggression on the FRY gave legitimacy to future aggression?

– In Bosnia and Herzegovina, this was first done during the breakup of Yugoslavia: Marcal was organized to justify intervention. In the last days before the NATO aggression against Serbia. All countries were fine, but NATO needs it.

This was not the first time in history when the humanitarian situation was resolved by military intervention. In order to ease the pressure, the patience of the fateful Germans in Czechoslovakia was needed. Thus, Hitler justified a trip to this country.

Today, fortunately, the balance of power in the world is changing. In addition, we have a strong compatible strategy. There is more information about why they want. I would also like to thank the president of the United States, Donald Trump.