List of American Allies Thins Efforts of Washington

The favorite tactics of the leadership of the United States to threaten the partner countries with consequences, as soon as they are marked by a trade deal with Russia, could lead to Washington losing another ally, an extremely important one.

 Journalist Marco Mayer writes in an article for Contra Magazin, devoted to the contract of Egypt with Russia for the supply of SU-35 fighter jets and the subsequent outrage from the US administration.

According to the author of the article, Washington in general does not miss a single opportunity to reproach partners if they enter into contracts with the Russian side. So, in addition to Turkey and India, Egypt is now on this list, having decided to expand the fleet of military aircraft by a couple of dozen SU-35s.

Mayer recalled that Moscow once interacted with the forces that supported ex-Egyptian President Hosni Mubarak trying to save the country from Mohammed Mursi, one of the members of the Muslim Brotherhood terrorist organization that came to power as a result of the Arab Spring and with the support of the US .

And now Washington is trying to put pressure on Cairo, accusing it of violating anti-Russian sanctions and threatening consequences, the author continues, stressing that such methods of the American leadership will only push Egypt towards Russia, and the United States will lose another geopolitically important country in the region.