USA: Scuffles erupt at Venezuela solidarity march in Los Angeles

Hundreds of protesters took the streets of downtown Los Angeles on Saturday, to protest against a potential United States’ intervention in Venezuela.

Scuffles erupted ahead of the march when the protesters were confronted by a handful of supporters of US President Donald Trump

The main body of protesters protested peacefully, carrying banners and placards such as “U.S. hands off of Venezuela” and “No war on Venezuela,” while shouting slogans against war.

The march started on from Pershing Square and concluded in front of the city hall, where a few speakers addressed the crowd.

“A lot of what’s being said on the media are outright lies. They are just saying that Maduro is starving his country, and all these things, but they leave out the story about the sanctions right, the US sanctions that are causing all of the social problems in Venezuela,” said Sheila Shawn, member of Answer Coalition.

The march was organised by Answer Coalition and CodePink among other organizations, while many sister rallies took place across the country.