Donald Trump: ‘No Rush,’ Want ‘Right Deal’ with Chairman Kim Jong-Un

President Donald Trump emphasized there was “no rush” to get a deal with North Korea as he sat with Chairman Kim Jong-un at their summit in Vietnam Thursday.

“I’ve been saying very much from the beginning that speed is not that important to me,” Trump told reporters during a photo opportunity with the North Korean leader Kim Jong-un ahead of Thursday meetings. “I very much appreciate no testing of nuclear rockets, missiles, any of it. Very much appreciate it. And, Chairman Kim and I had a great talk about that last night.”

“Again, I am in no rush. We don’t want the testing, and we’ve developed something very special with respect to that,” said President Trump. “I just want to say I have great respect for Chairman Kim, and I have great respect for his country, and I believe that it will be something economically that will be almost hard to compete with for many countries. It has such potential.”

The U.S. president addressed reporters’ questions, responding again with an emphasis that there is “No rush. No rush. We just want to do the right deal.”

“Chairman Kim and myself, we want to do the right deal. Speed is not important. What’s important is that we do the right deal,” said President Trump.

President Trump also told Chairman Kim, “I’m sure over the years we’ll be together a lot, and I think we’ll also be together after the fact, meaning after the deal is made.” He commented that at a dinner the two held the night prior, “there were a lot of great ideas being thrown about.”

“I can’t speak necessarily for today, but I can say that this, a little bit longer term and over a period of time, I know we’re going to have a fantastic success with respect to Chairman Kim and North Korea,” said Trump.

Kim spoke briefly through a translator, saying of a possible deal, “It’s too early to say. I would not say I’m pessimistic. I have a feeling that good results will come.”