112 illegal immigrants deported from the Bahamas to Haiti

The Government of the Bahamas left 112 illegal immigrants to their homes in Haiti.

According to the Bahamas news agency, Haitians returned to the capital Port-au-Prince on board a Bahamas Air plane on Sunday.

Among the survivors were survivors of a shipwreck off the coast of the island of Abaco, north of the Bahamas, which killed at least 31 people on Feb. 2.

In 2018, the Royal Defense Forces captured the Bahamas or helped capture 1172 Haitians, the military said in a press release.

The government of the Bahamas has temporarily suspended deportations following protests against Haiti’s President Juvenel Moyes in Port-au-Prince.

The World Bank says Haiti is the poorest country in the Americas where 59% of the 10.4 million people live below the national poverty line of $ 2.14 per day.