Those involved in the production of the fake Douma chemical attack video should be punished, Jamal al Zuobi, a member of the defence council in the Syrian parliament, told Sputnik. A BBC producer based in Beirut recently said that hospital scenes filmed after the April 2018 Douma ‘attack’ were staged.
“Damascus will go to court to demand compensation for the losses it incurred as a result of the fabricated video. It became the basis for more actions against Syria by Western countries. We are unlikely to achieve all of the objectives, but at least we can restore the truth,” Jamal al Zuobi, a Syrian legislator, said.
The OPCW has been probing the allegations of the use of chemical weapons against Syrian Douma that emerged in early April. Without waiting for the probe’s results, the United States, backed by France and the United Kingdom, promptly fired over 100 missiles on what they called the Syrian government’s chemical weapons sites.