EU Boss Juncker Opens Door to Brexit Delay: ‘It is in God’s Hands’

Top Eurocrat Jean-Claude Juncker appeared to shrug off responsibility for Brexit in the latest of a series of comments forcing the point that Brexit negotiations are now beyond being reopened, saying Britain leaving the European Union is now in “God’s hands”.
The Luxembourgian President of the European Commission told Stuttgarter ZeitungMonday evening during a trip to Germany that he couldn’t now rule out delaying the United Kingdom’s withdrawal from the Europoen Union — merely the latest senior figureto discuss this looming Brexit betrayal — and even Britain voting in the EU elections in May.

Appearing to welcome the suggestion of delaying Brexit, the top Eurocrat said: “If they do this, there would be no one in Europe who would defend against it.”

The comments imply that should the legal Brexit date of March 29th be cancelled by mutual agreement between the pro-remain establishment in Britain and the European Union, the delay would be measured in Months, not days or weeks.

Even though it was a possibility, Juncker said the UK taking part in the Europe-wide elections was “hard” for him to imagine, and if it did happen it would be “a joke of history.”

Juncker also took a philosophical tone on the future of Brexit in his remarks to the newspaper, saying of what was to come next: “In terms of Brexit, it is like being in court, [or sailing] on the high seas. It is in God’s hands.”

The theistic nature of his remarks would perhaps come as a surprise to his close colleague Guy Verhofstadt, the wildly pro-Eurofederalist Belgian MEP. Responding to a claim made in the United States that God may have had something to do with the presidency of Donald Trump, the anti-Brexit radical replied: “I have never felt so atheist.”

The comments come just before Mr Juncker is due to meet with British Prime Minister Theresa May, the latest in a series of talks instigated to reach an agreement over Britain’s withdrawal from the European Union. May left her last meeting with Juncker humiliatingly empty-handed after Juncker and his European colleagues refused to budge.

Theresa May will meet with Jean-Claude Juncker 1830CET on Wednesday.