INF Treaty’s Collapse May Trigger New Arms Race, German Minister Warns

On Wednesday, Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov pledged Moscow’s “reciprocal response” to all US moves related to the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treaty. The US announced its official pullout on 1 February and began the process of fully withdrawing from the deal, will be completed in six months.
German Economy and Energy Minister Peter Altmaier has not ruled out a new arms race in the event of the termination the Intermediate-Range Nuclear Forces (INF) Treatybetween Russia and the US.

Shortly after the US suspended its participation in the INF Treaty on February 1 and began the process of withdrawing from the accord, which is due to be completed in six months, Russian President Vladimir Putin said that Moscow was also suspending its obligations under the INF Treaty in response to Washington’s move.