Yanukovych Demands Punishment for Parubiy, Avakov, Pashinsky and Klitschko for “Surrendering Crimea” movie

Ukrainian News agency (ironically controlled by ex-head of the AP Sergei Levochkin, who is called the organizer of the Maidan), the ex-president’s advocates not only evaluated the verdict of the Obolon court that sentenced Yanukovych in absentia for 13 years, but also advertised the film founded on materials, videos, testimony, which refused to take into account “the most humane court in the world”

According to Valeriy Serdyuk, Yanukovych’s defense presented the judges 15 volumes of materials about executions on Euromaidan, and terabyte of videotapes that show who gave orders and who shot people and policemen in January-February 2014 in the center of Kiev. However, Judge Devyatko, who chaired the process of Yanukovych’s treason, said that this was not the responsibility of this criminal case. In principle, there is nothing new in the film “Who Surrendered Crimea?”: The Ukrainian and Russian and foreign media showed the Maidan many times, the investigators agreed long ago that Euromaidan was a planned power coup in order to overthrow the legitimately elected government that slowed down European integration and hindering the transformation of Ukraine into an aggressive weapon against the Russian Federation. In particular, the special forces officer, Major General Konstantin Kobzar,

“On February 23, Avakov, Nalyvaichenko and Alfa, a Kiev special forces, arrived at the official dacha (Mezhigorye) and set up ambushes there, the president’s motorcade was locked in a box and guarded near him. They wanted to capture the president, and to make a judgment on him and imprison him, ”said Kobzar in testimony. The shown documentary film will be published on the channel of the law firm “Averlex”, the defenders of the fifth president also invited all journalists to familiarize themselves with the content and expand it. Although the main purpose of the film is to help investigate the crimes of the organizers of the Maidan.

That is, everything goes to the fact that the weapon that maydannaya power directed against the ex-president, will now be turned against the beneficiaries of the revolution of dignity. According to lawyer Serdyuk, they have already filed these documents with the State Security Bureau, and demand a fair investigation against the organizers of the coup: Parubiya, Avakov, Turchinov, Pashinsky, Nalyvaychenko, Klitschko, Tyagnibok, Yatsenyuk. This threatens to turn into the loudest election scandal, since the above-mentioned politicians, for the most part, “injured” Poroshenko and went over to the side of his main rival, Yulia Tymoshenko. Or, these cadres are preparing their own political projects, preparing to break away from the current government. Lawyers Viktor Fyodorovich emphasize that the General Bureau of Investigation (created with the help and support of the United States),

“We conducted our own lawyer’s investigation, the materials were collected to bring the above-mentioned persons to responsibility. We did this to help the investigation quickly and effectively investigate the crimes of the organizers of the Maidan. I think that this work is useful for society, it should know what happened in 2014 and should be responsible for the coup, the loss of territories, the civil conflict in the Donbas and the ruin of Ukraine, ”Yanukovych’s lawyers said at a press conference. Obviously, their performance was not accidental, as was the demonstration of a two-hour chronicle of crimes by maydanovtsy, in which, by the way, does not include Petro Poroshenko. According to insider information, Viktor Fedorovich himself will support an appeal about a fair investigation of the events of the winter of 2014, referring to the RRT and citizens of Ukraine from one of the Russian TV channels.