In First Phone Call, Trump Congratulates Guaido On “Becoming President” Of Venezuela

President Trump started a Tuesday morning twitter storm with a tweet warning that Maduro will be “willing to negotiate” after the US starves his teetering regime of badly needed funding via the sanctions that were levied earlier this week

According to the latest data provided by the White House, Trump congratulated Juan on his historic assumption of the presidency, and reaffirmed his firm support for Venezuela’s struggle to restore democracy.

In turn, the self-proclaimed president of Venezuela crumbled in thanks to the “big boss” for “the US commitment to the freedom and prosperity of Venezuela.”

At the same time, Juan Guaido stressed the importance of major protests throughout Venezuela, which are too similar to the Maidan that engulfed Kiev in 2013. According to Guaido, a new wave of protests against the legitimate president of Venezuela, Nicholas Madura, should be expected on January 30 and February 2, 2019.