Farage savages Adonis on People’s Vote: ‘You want to stop Brexit!’

Nigel Farage got into a very heated discussion with ‘People’s Vote’ campaigner Lord Adonis over his support for a second referendum and extending Article 50 to delay Brexit. Beginning the debate on his LBC radio show, Mr Farage chuckled and introduced Lord Adonis by remarking: “So we head to the UK Parliament this week and we talk a lot about the options that are before the House of Commons this week, as we’ve been speculating over the last hour as to what we think may or may not happen. But we’ve heard very little about the House of Lords and what role they may or may not play, and joining me is prominent Labour peer, Blairite and supporter of the so-called People’s Vote campaign, Lord Andrew Adonis.” The pair then went on to discuss the possibility of a second referendum on Brexit.

Mr Farage read out a caller’s question: “Please ask Adonis on my behalf why his opinion on the vote to Remain overrides the opinion and vote of the people.”

Lord Adonis replied: “My opinion and vote doesn’t override them, which is the reason why I’m in favour of a People’s Vote, so everyone gets a say and not just people like me.”

Mr Farage hit back: “But Lesley’s saying we had the vote already.”

Lord Adonis argued: “Yes but of course the point about it which is, you and I back and forth the whole time, is that three years ago when we had the referendum we didn’t know what the Leave deal was going to be.

“So it’s only now that we know it that we can have this People’s Vote, because people can actually vote on what they see, Theresa May’s deal, which you and I agree is a terrible deal.

“Indeed if you had known it was the Theresa May deal three years ago I doubt you would have gone around the country saying this was the basis on which we could do Brexit.”

Mr Farage pointed out: “No, but I’m in a fortunate position of course because I’ve got two options. You’ve got Mrs May’s deal or we leave on WTO terms, and I’m perfectly happy with that. I mean that’s in the legislation.”

Labour MP Lord Adonis then mentioned the only way of “stopping” Brexit was through a second referendum, to which Mr Farage questioned: “Stop it? So you want to stop it?”, to which Lord Adonis confirmed: “I want to give people the option to stop it, which is the reason why I want the People’s Vote.

“I want Remain on the ballot. I’ve been very clear about that.”

To which Mr Farage exclaimed: “But we voted on that already!”

The comments come ahead of crucial votes in Parliament this week, where Theresa May is faced with a bitter backbench plot to seize control of the agenda in the Commons aimed at blocking no deal and forcing a second referendum on Brexit.

Leading economist Professor Patrick Minford has also revealed that the stakes could not be higher as the March 29 departure day looms with Britain risking losing out on hundreds of billions of pounds in a Brexit bonus if Remainers get their way.

Meanwhile, the Chief Minister of Gibraltar, Fabian Picardo, held a series of talks with senior MPs last week as fears were rising on the Rock that it could be used as a bargaining chip in the renegotiation of Mrs May’s Withdrawal Agreement.