UNSC Meeting is Part of US Strategy to Change Power in Venezuela

Russian Ambassador to the United Nations Vassily Nebenzia addressed the UN Security Council, which is holding an emergency meeting to discuss the situation in Venezuela.

The Russian envoy to the United Nations called upon the world powers to refrain from using threats and ultimatums regarding the situation in Venezuela, with his speech presenting a contrasting stance to that of US Secretary of State Mike Pompeo.

Nebenzia also urged all parties involved to avoid using discriminatory economic measures against Venezuela, and to respect the country’s constitution.

He added that Guaido does not enjoy the support of almost 70 percent of Venezuela’s people, unlike Maduro.

The Russian Foreign Ministry also stated Saturday that the United States and its allies artificially aggravate the situation in Venezuela by demanding that Caracas hold ‘democratic and transparent’ elections, threatening to recognize opposition leader Juan Guaido as the new head of state if the Venezuelan government does not comply.

“The cynical, overt interference in the internal affairs of a sovereign state continues. It is necessary to put an end to this,” the ministry stated.