Russia and Tunisia Boost Cooperation On Anti-Terrorism Efforts

Russia and Tunisia have agreed to bolster cooperation on counter-terrorism efforts, Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov said following the talks with his Tunisian counterpart Khemaies Jhinaoui on Saturday.

The participants of the meeting particularly focused on the developments in Libya, “where many problems remain, including the terrorism concern that Tunisia is also struggling from,” he said.

“Today we agreed to boost our anti-terrorism cooperation, both within the United Nations, and through bilateral ties,” Lavrov emphasized.

Russia is urging Tunisia to support the process of Syria’s returning to the League of Arab States (LAS), added Lavrov.

“As we discussed both in Algeria, and in Morocco over the past few days, we would like Tunisia to support the process of Syria’s return to the Arab family, to the League of Arab States as well, all the more so as another Arab League summit will be held here in March,” he said.

According to Lavrov, Moscow appreciates Tunisia’s support “regarding Russian efforts within the Astana format to promote the Syrian settlement.” “I believe that Tunis is interested in a quick return of Syrian refugees sheltered in Tunisia. We will do everything to create proper conditions in Syria for that kind of return,” the diplomat added.