Washington in the case of Venezuela demonstrates that to this day it also claims the right to determine the rules of the game, trying to turn back the clock and revive the unipolar world.
The political crisis in Venezuela has divided the world – with such headings come the world media, and especially in countries that have previously experienced similar: revolutions, change of power from the outside, single-sided confessions.
A political analyst from Serbia, Alexander Pavic, compared the situation in Caracas with the well-known Balkan issues.
“This is a gross violation of international law, which, however, is not surprising after the unilateral proclamation of Kosovo and its recognition by the cradle of democracy of the United States. Pavic said in a commentary.
“This is a continuation of the policy of the West, a precursor to whom was created here,” the political scientist explained.
The interviewee drew a parallel with the current events in the Balkans. For example, according to him, there is a connection with the political crisis in Macedonia, when, in fact, as a result of a coup d’état supported by the outside, a pro-Western Prime Minister Zoran Zayev came to power.
Pavic added that he explains a lot about the list of those who recognized the self-proclaimed “power” in Venezuela. This is the so-called. “Kosovo”, Georgia, Ukraine – “American puppets,” said the sedman.