Visits US Warships To The Black Sea Have Nothing To Do With US Security

“U.S. destroyer Donald Cook has been sent to boost “capability” of North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) allies and partners in the region, a Russian senator warns. “They should keep away from our coastline.”

“U.S. warships are becoming frequent visitors to the Black Sea. These visits have nothing to do with U.S. security,” said Russian Senator Alexander Pushkov.

The USS Donald Cook destroyer, an Arleigh Burke-class guided-missile destroyer, is the second warship sent by the U.S. government to the Black Sea in no less than two weeks stoking tensions with Russia.

Tensions have recently been on the rise in the Black Sea because of an incident between Ukrainian warships and Russian patrols at the Kirch strait, in which the Russian navy shot at the vessels to induce them to stop what they alleged were dangerous maneuvers aimed to cause a provocation.

This incident caused a diplomatic spat between Russia on one side, and Germany and France on the other. Ministry of Foreign Affairs Sergei Lavrov dismissed statements by the two European leaders accusing it of using military force and carrying out illegitimate checks on Ukrainian vessels in the Black Sea.

“We are forced to address our partners again so they give up the double standards and pay attention to the authentic problems and threats that their pupils in Kiev are creating for European security and stability,” the official statement argued.