Factical Check of Donald Trump’s promises

President Donald Trump marked on Sunday two years since his inauguration by boasting about his promises as well as what he called “historic results.”

The White House tweeted a link to a statement from Trump about his accomplishments, and the Republican Party fired off a similar tweet about “promises made, promises kept.”

Vice President Mike Pence and Republican National Committee Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel also sent out similar congratulatory tweets bragging about Trump’s supposed accomplishments.

All of the messages brought Trump’s critics out in force:

“Nope. His core promise was that Mexico would pay for the wall. Now he has shut down the government for 29 days because he cannot get us to pay for it. More than 800,000 people are without a paycheck. When you lie for him, you are killing the Republican Party.” – Jennifer Taub (@jentaub) Jan 21, 2019

“Sir I been saying alot of nice things about you much like Lou Dobbs often does such as your the greatest President since Obama ,, your welcome to have a “quote’ for a Twitter-tweet if you like ,,, this is Walter” – Walter(Owen’s Grandp
(@walterowensgrpa) Jan 21, 2019

– lost 10 cabinet members
– lost 65 executive staff
– 18% increase in US trade deficit
– Since Feb 1st DOW down 3,000
($3 trillion in value)
– exploded deficit to $779 billion
– 44 campaign rallies
– 67 golf club visits
– lost 40 house seats”
Christopher Zullo (@ChrisJZullo) Jan 21, 2019

“So much winning. 800K civil and military employees unpaid for nearly 5 weeks. If that’s promises made or kept and America first I’ll eat my hat.” – vintagecat (@vintage_vendor) Jan 21, 2019