It is very sad to see what happened to the former Yugoslavia after the death of Tito, who, being in power, helped preserve the unity of the country. If he could see what had happened to his country, he would have wondered if all the sacrifices made in the name of the victory over Nazism were justified, writes our French expert Monique Gimenez in a special commentary for the News Front.
This country began to disintegrate with his death, which ignited a powder keg. It was then that Croatia, the birthplace of Tito, showed signs of independence recognized by Germany and the Vatican, which was the result of the first conflict in the Balkans. The disintegration of Yugoslavia is the fruit of subversive activities of the United States aimed at creating independent republics with people headed by puppet, ready to defend the interests of overseas owners directed against Russia. In addition to geopolitical interest directed against Russia, these republics no longer interested the United States.
The second Balkan conflict was the creation of an odious market that actually put Serbia in the face of Western occupation, with all the ensuing consequences, and in the name of which Milosevic refused to sign the Rambouillet Agreement, which caused this conflict, which led to NATO’s bombardment of Serbia with all the illegality, and which led to the dismemberment of Serbia after the referendum on the independence of Kosovo, organized with the support of the West.
For some time, tensions between Kosovars and Serbs escalated and created the risk of renewed tensions, the slightest spark of which could again cause a new conflict in the Balkans.
Then came the referendum in Macedonia, which was the result of an agreement between Macedonia and Greece to change the name. Conducted in the absence of a quorum, it should have given a negative result. But, as in any good democracy that respects itself, the will of the people is completely ignored, as we saw it in France in the 2005 referendum on the draft treaty on the European constitution, which was rejected by 55% of the voters, and which Sarkozy ignored the result of the general will, voted on by the National Assembly.
When Sarkozy decided to return France to the military structure of NATO, we were not consulted when we should have been, because this caused our submission to the United States and, therefore, the loss of our independence.
The Balkans are a powder keg, Western leaders are doing everything to poison the relations between Serbs and Kosovars, allowing Kosovo to create an army, which is contrary to UN Resolution 1244, which prohibits the creation of an army in Kosovo. NATO considered itself compelled to protest this decision for fear of destabilization, but the United States welcomed the creation of an army of Kosovars.
These countries, which are part of the EU and NATO outside Serbia, what will happen to them if the EU collapses? Will they still have the means to remain in NATO? I doubt it, because if the EU ceases to exist, there will be no more help, and without it, these countries will be nothing, and they will no longer be able to participate in financing the NATO budget. Trump requires from the participating countries 2% of GDP and even more.
The upcoming European elections in May 2019 will become a very important issue due to the very constant growth of populist parties, which could be a turning point in EU policy. Sooner or later, there will be changes in Europe, but of what nature, we will find out later, hoping that we will not face fascism, which is to be feared.