“The bloody and destructive operation against Yugoslavia” has long since taken up it’s place in a rather long list of violations of international law by the United States
Exactly before the new year’s weekend, last Friday evening, the state of Macedonia ceased to exist in the Balkans. The Parliament of the country approved the law on amending the Constitution of the country to rename it to the Republic of Northern Macedonia. Thus, the requirement of the EU and NATO represented by the member of these organizations of Greece was satisfied. The dispute over the name lasted for years, hampering the inclusion of Macedonia into Western integration processes, and so it was a critical point, not for Macedonia but for US.
Obviously, the decision taken in Skopje is not an internal issue. The outcome of the dispute is strongly associated with the leading role of Western leaders, and the consequences inevitably affect the entire Balkan region. The position of Serbia is of particular interest: the largest posto-Yugoslav state adheres to the principle of military neutrality, and, obviously, it is not by chance that it is systematically surrounded by NATO member countries.
It is worth recalling that in September 2018, a referendum on renaming the country was failed in Macedonia. Numerous civic actions and low turnout, which does not allow to recognize the voting as held here, actually became synonymous with the answer “no” to the frankly manipulative question “three in one”: “Do you support joining NATO and the EU by accepting the renaming agreement between the Republic of Macedonia and Greece ?
Thus, the ruling coalition in Macedonia, led by Prime Minister Zoran Zayev, ignored not only the disagreement of the boycott by President George Ivanov and the widely represented opposition, but also the results of the popular referendum.
Therefore, the comments of Balkan experts with quotations like “The State of Macedonia has ceased to exist” are not just clickable headlines to lure readers. It is about making changes to the Basic Law that are categorically not supported by the majority of the population. But fiercely supported by Western mentors and influential Albanian lobbyists.
In Serbia, the largest neighboring country of Macedonia and a key player in the Balkan region, such a move was assessed as the now irrevocable surrender of the country’s sovereignty, torn by (not) internal political contradictions for many years.
“Congratulations are pouring in from Brussels – the headquarters of the occupying lords, the godfathers of the“ historical agreement ”, which was the end of Macedonia. Jens Stoltentenberg, Angela Merkel and Federica Mogherini are not interested in that 70% of Macedonians said no to treachery of the country. They talk about democracy, when they need it, but today there is no democracy — lawlessness reigns today, ”said Serbian lawyer Daniel Igrets, who renamed the country.
“Albanians are rubbing their hands with satisfaction: Macedonia has just trampled down its Constitution, the last stone on which its independence rested,” he added.
“Macedonia is dead – long live Great Albania”, – Igrats paraphrased a famous quote.
Reference to the Albanian sources of modern Macedonian politics is also justified by the obvious. The power of Zoran Zayev firmly relies on an alliance with the Albanian parties. Even the positive reaction of Zaev to the idea of the Albanian colleague Edie Rama to open the borders between the Balkan countries with a large percentage of the Albanian population caused the Balkan experts fear, but this was no surprise. The Albanians, in turn, are a cross between the allies and the chain dogs of the American presence in the region, throwing in threats with increasing frequency.
“The Zoran Zaev coalition is formed on the basis of the Tirana platform, which contains“ Great Albanian ”claims,” commented on the support of the provocative initiative by the Serbian historian Nemanja Starovic, writes the Belgrade edition Evening News.
On the surface, history remains a natural question. Is Macedonia, economically weak, mired in protests and political feuds, geographic and national misunderstandings, so much needed by the EU and NATO that its appropriation is worth the risk of a new conflict situation in the everlastingly explosive Balkans?
Here, the example of Montenegro, a small country on the Adriatic coast with a two thousand army and a pair of almost military courts, which was drawn into NATO two years ago and against the mass protests of citizens and the totalitarian mafia government, could not be more appropriate. The geographical location of this country – access to the sea and to the military-neutral Serbia, while the political ally of Russia – turned out to be more important than the democratic right of the population to an independent decision of the fate of their country.
The difference between Montenegro and Macedonia is only that the Montenegrins were not allowed to hold a referendum on joining NATO, and in Macedonia it was held, but ignored.
Macedonia, of course, is also of no practical interest for the Western blocs. The importation of goods, the use of living military force for peacekeeping missions – these questions, of course, should concern the local population; it is no coincidence that contradictions cause such a lively response from citizens. Nevertheless, the geopolitical significance of the events taking place in the Balkans lies precisely in the attempts of NATO led by the United States to establish and consolidate dominance in the Balkans.
The presence of Americans in the region, who, except for the sake of irony, periodically try to frighten the local “hand of Moscow” is really great. After the collapse of Yugoslavia, all the republics – the fragments of this country in various ways came under the influence of (then) the hegemon: political, economic, informational. The most difficult part was Serbia: war, sanctions, NATO bombardment in 1999, separation of a part of the territory – Kosovo and Metohija, the first Orange Revolution and puppet pro-western government years, a massive anti-Serb information campaign. There is only one list of facts personally known to every Serb that it is even unprofessional to blame Russia for the anti-Western sentiments of this people.
And the war, only by other methods, continues. The self-proclaimed “Republic of Kosovo” with open political and technical assistance from the United States announced the formation of the army. The emerging “Great Albania” is forcing responses. The European Union requires Serbia, a non-EU member, to harmonize its foreign policy, which in most cases relates to interacting with Russia. NATO countries are literally surrounded on all sides, and this is not a figure of speech: if Macedonia becomes a member of the alliance, only Bosnia and Herzegovina, thanks to the political power of the Republika Srpska, will be Serbia’s only military-neutral neighbor.