Syrian Serviceman Killed, 4 Injured Due to Shelling by Militants

A Syrian soldier was killed and another four were injured due to shelling by terrorists in the Syrian province of Hama, head of the Russian Defense Ministry’s Center for Syrian reconciliation Lt. Gen. Sergei Solomatin said on Tuesday.

“Over the past day, terrorists mortared Bsharfa (two times), Beyt-Zivan (two times), Nahshabba (two times), Sandran, Darh-abu-Asad and Jubb-al-Zarour in the Latakia province, Abu-Dali (three times), Tell Bizam, Magayr, Zalaqiyat and Tall-Maraq in the Hama province, and western (two times) and northwestern (two times) outskirts of Aleppo. One Syrian serviceman was killed and four were wounded as a result of the attack on Tell Bizam,” Solomatin said.

According to the Russian official, the Russian centre for Syrian reconciliation had carried out two humanitarian operations over the past 24 hours, in the settlement of Mukhayam-al-Yarmouk in the province of Damascus and in the settlement of Harym in the province of Latakia.