Monique Gimenez, our expert from France, expressed her opinion on the events in Serbia and around it, linking the disrespectful attitude towards this country during the celebration of the 100th anniversary of the end of the First World War which exists only thanks to the will of the West after the barbaric bombing of Yugoslavia by NATO aircraft, and which has undermined the integrity of the territory of Serbia.
This is an unforgivable political mistake and an insult to the Serbian people, who considered the treatment of their leader to be humiliated, while the leader of the Kosovars had all the honors. From a legal point of view, insists Madame Gimenez, Kosovo is still considered part of Serbia, in particular, in the UN.
Today, everything is being done to create an army in Kosovo and increase the chances of being recognized as an independent state and cutting off its Serbian roots.
This is a disaster for people from both sides who will become foreigners for each other. This can inflame tensions that never cease, even if it is still low, but a small spark can rekindle the Balkans, as it became possible in the Donbas. The appearance of the army in Kosovo will be another component for the possibility of conflict that could flare up in Europe and, possibly, into the world.
It should be assumed that this Balkan war is not over yet and that we are still continuing to force Serbia to pay for not wanting to lose Kosovo. Today, the West requires Serbia to make a choice: the EU or Russia. And what should Serbia do in the EU, Monique Gimenez asks if the West recognizes Kosovo as a separate state and Russia does not, sharing the opinion of the leadership and people of Serbia.