“For the development of the country we need a social request. And while we see only a social pullback. ” Former actress of the State Youth Theater “From the Rose Street”, and now a professional analyst, employee of one of the largest German commercial concerns, Aurelia Georgieva shares her opinion with eNews.md
Today in Moldova we see several trends at the same time, ”says Aurelia Georgieva. – The first is connected with the populist discrediting of European values, because what is here called such, has no relation to European reality. Real European values are personal responsibility, sociality, openness, publicity. To achieve them, a person needs to spend a lot of time and nerves, and there will be no reward. This process begins with the need to thoroughly understand the people for whom you vote. Conduct conversations with relatives, neighbors. This is what always works, you just need to take it. Create or join a audit team that can come to any government agency with any questions. There are no good people, wizard, who will arrive in a blue helicopter and will show a movie for free. It all starts with yourself.
The second trend is closely related to the second: not all residents consider Moldova to be their country, their home, which needs to be developed. Alone, the order does not restore, it needs socialization, and it is impossible without trust. It is necessary to open all the impurities, see them, eliminate them and only then build a new world.
For the development of the country need a social request. And while we see only a social pullback. And how it will end is unclear. People do not need a leader, they need to take responsibility for their own country.
– What problems does European society face today?
– Different societies are characterized by different sociological processes. Today we are witnessing a big gap in values between the generation of the so-called Millennials (the generation born after 1983) and the older generations. The main truth is that the future comes for everyone, whether we are ready for it or not. Better, of course, be.
Another generation that surprises us is the “25 -” generation. They are completely different: free, open, with high social demands and a perception of injustice, not ready to build their lives on submission to someone. These people can follow the requirements, but they need to explain in great detail and seriously why. They are mobile and ready to take risks in order to engage in those things that bring pleasure and enjoyment, and it is easy to reject those occupations that do not bring satisfaction. The appearance of this generation radically changes our world.
– Is society in general ready for this? To the emergence of such people, requirements, requests?
-Or the society will prepare for this, or it will face problems. This generation will not change. Our task is to understand the trend. If we formulate a question, it means that the process is already running and there is no going back. There is a huge amount of work that awaits us in 10-15 years, and not philosophical, but marketing research based on sociology. We are talking about a complete change in the composition of the labor market, changes in the social and educational spheres.
– What changes in the European education system are already visible?
-The education system that exists today was built under the urban-industrial society. In the future, this model will be suitable only for socialization. There are already schools in Finland that do not study any subjects at all, no subject teachers, no classes of the same age. There are uneven-age teams, united for various reasons, and teachers-mentors. The task of the team is to choose their own task, which is interesting to them, and to distribute duties among themselves. A primitive example: let’s say we want to create shampoo and lipstick that no one has done before. This means that we need chemistry, someone needs to be engaged in design, someone needs legal support, advertising, work and cost planning, market research, project visualization, crediting and many others. And knowledge we need to realize all of this, we must get ourselves. Mentor teacher can direct, advise and only. There is a budget and should be the final product. This is the school of the future.
– What place does the theater occupy in the system of insurance social analytics?
– From all kinds of arts the most social theater. This is the art that best displays all the current social trends. There are several reasons for this. First, the theater is very dynamic. Secondly, not as costly as a movie. Thirdly, the theater is a local art, it defines the actual social groups. And fourthly, the audience who attend the theater is the elite, not necessarily intellectual, but social for sure. This is the part of society that determines the trends of the present and the future.
To understand how the theater shows social trends, it must be understood.
– What trends prevail in the culture today?
– Not long ago, a post-dramatic, performative theater made itself known. In Moldova, this phenomenon is fully absent. The only group that works with elements of post-drama, without fully realizing it, is the theater “From the streets of Roses”. Yury Arkadevich Harmelin, by virtue of his genius, is keenly aware of the spirit of the times. But today in the West, this trend, caused by social decadence, is already losing ground.
Culture influences global trends. For example, the current process of growth of populism, which entails the growth of democracy. There is an active social self-expression of those people who have completely excluded themselves from the community for the last 7-10 years. The reason for this is a decrease in the level of violence and an increase in the standard of living. I’m talking about the Western world, of course. Of course, this is primarily reflected in cultural forms.
– In the social, economic, political conditions of modern Moldova to art?
If art disappears, there will be nothing. Today, it is a social tool that supports the human in man.