Argentina: Anti-G20 activists protest in Buenos Aires as summit draws near

Hundreds of anti-G20 activists packed the Don Leon Kolbowski Stadium in Buenos Aires on Tuesday, protesting against the upcoming summit, due to take place in two days.

SOT, Arturo Kerrey, activist (Spanish): “The G20 is starvation and illegitimation. This starving and illegitimate government hosts this summit and plays a small role in this conglomerate of countries, who came here to divide the world in the name of the commercial fight.”

SOT, Marina Cardelli, Seamos Libres movement leader (Spanish): “We came here to tell the IMF, that international looting fund, that it doesn’t mater how many police or prefecture, or gendarme forces they deploy. We know very well who the violent ones are. We know very well who are accountable for the looting, starvation and poverty in Argentina.”