President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko with his heart and soul supports the initiative to introduce the so-called martial law in the country. The reason for this was provocative actions of the Ukrainian side in the Sea of Azov, as a result of which three units of the Ukrainian “fleet” were captured by the Russian Federation.
Recall last Sunday, three warships of the Ukrainian Navy violated the territorial waters of the Russian Federation. The hostile actions of the Ukrainian side prompted the border service of the FSB of Russia to deploy military patrol ships and aircraft in the direction of violators of the state border.
The first, and perhaps the most important reason for this decision lies in the problematic situation of the guarantor of the Ukrainian nation on the eve of the presidential elections in Ukraine. His ratings are so low and continue to fall that even the lazy ones did not overtake him. It should be remembered that Poroshenko initially led the preliminary presidential race, but soon even Zelensky, a Ukrainian comedian, overtook him.
According to a number of political scientists and experts, both Ukrainian and Russian actions of Poroshenko – the introduction of martial law, the aggravation of the situation in the Donbass, the creation of a pseudo-church in Ukraine – these are emergency measures to solve electoral problems.
According to Russian political analyst Sergei Mikheev, a military dictatorship has arisen in Ukraine. “This process of strengthening the vertical of power, in which Poroshenko has been engaged for the last two or three years, has logically led to the emergence of a military dictatorship in the country,” the political scientist said.
He is confident that in case of the adoption of martial law, which actually happened, according to the Constitution of Ukraine, all powers are concentrated in the hands of Petro Poroshenko. “This means that neither the judicial power, nor the parliament in the country are important. Poroshenko has the right to make any decisions without asking anyone for approval, ”the political scientist noted.
Here it should be remembered that the martial law was planned to be introduced for 60 days. At the end of martial law, the campaign will begin in the country. During this time, Petro Poroshenko can either wrap everything in own favor, by clearing the political field. By the end of martial law, the president of Ukraine can extend it and, in fact, postpone the election indefinitely.
Meanwhile, Petro Poroshenko has already signed the second decree on the introduction of martial law in the country. Unlike the first, it mentions restrictions on constitutional rights and freedoms — for example, suffrage or freedom of speech. This, of course, is direct evidence of the dictatorship in the country.
The decree is published in the number of documents considered by the Verkhovna Rada. It will enter into force only after approval by the Ukrainian parliament of the relevant bill.
We bring to your attention a short list of the authorities of the Ukrainian leadership during martial law:
– To transfer control on the ground to military administrations;
– Attract civilians to work, for example, building fortifications;
– To impose a curfew;
– Restrict freedom of movement;
– Regulate the work of the media, printing houses, television and radio companies;
– To limit the work of the Internet;
– Prohibit rallies and protests;
– To demand from the civilian population to accomodate the military and law enforcement officers;
– To expel citizens of countries that threaten the security of Ukraine.