Iran President Urges Muslim Nations to Unite against US, Israel

Addressing the Islamic Unity Conference in Tehran, Rouhani said that unity in the Islamic world is not a tactical and short-term issue, but is a strategic matter.

“Words cannot lead to unity, and the enemy is not afraid of unity in word; rather, we should band together in reality and practice, and today, there is no way but to remain united, and you will win over the Zionists and the Americans if you remain united,” said the president.

President Rouhani said the first step towards achieving unity is for all denominations of Islam to recognize one another.

He said if Muslims simply say they recognize one another in word, but do not believe what they say deep inside, “this will get them nowhere.”

The president noted that hegemonic powers wouldn’t like Muslims to remain united and want to sow discord among them.

President Rouhani said Muslims should remain united all the time even if they have no common enemies.

He then took a jab at the Israeli regime for its atrocities against Palestinian people. President Rouhani also criticized the United States for relocating its embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem al-Quds.

“They believe by changing a sign and a building they can take the holy Quds from Muslims, Palestine and the Islamic world. Undoubtedly, such a belief is wrong,” he noted.

He said the West led by the US created the Israeli regime in the Middle East in order to have a base in the region and serve its interests there.

President Rouhani said it is very sad to see crimes are being committed in the name of Islam, and many people are being killed at the hands of those who claim to be advocates of Islam and want to establish Islamic states.

Rouhani further said the United States wants its interests to take priority anywhere in the world, and that it wants other countries to be its slaves.

He underlined that Muslims are not afraid of the enemy.

“We are not afraid of those who join hands and rattled their sabres against Islam,” he said.

He further urged the United States’ puppet governments in the region not to be a yes-man for Washington.

Rouhani said Iran stands ready to secure the interests of Saudi people.

“We are prepared to defend the interests of Saudi people against terrorists and superpowers with all our power, the same way that we are helping the people of Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan and Yemen.

He also lashed out at Riyadh and its allies for conducting airstrikes against Yemeni people.