UK: Boris Johnson effigy up in flames on bonfire night

An effigy of the UK’s ex-foreign secretary Boris Johnson was set ablaze in Edenbridge, Kent, on Saturday, as part of the Edenbridge Bonfire Society’s celebrations of November 5.

The 11-metre effigy, by artist Andrea Deans, features the conservative politician sporting his signature cycle helmet, eating a slice of “EU cake” and red Brexit buses for shoes.

Every year, the bonfire society chooses a “Guy”, usually a high-profile political figure, to be burnt at their celebrations. Past victims have included US President Donald Trump and ex-FIFA boss Sepp Blatter.

“This year we have Boris Johnson who perhaps just made one gaff too many and that’s why he is ended up in our effigy hall of fame,” explained Edenbridge Bonfire Society spokesperson Laura Lawrence.

“He does put his foot in it sometimes, so I think perhaps he is just done that a bit too often and that’s why the public wanted to see him on our field this year.”

On November 5, the UK commemorates the failed attempt of Guy Fawkes to blow up the House of Lords as part of the Gunpowder plot to kill King James I in 1605. Many people light bonfires and set off fireworks to mark the event.