Washington pushes Saudis and Emirates for Yemeni ‘peace’

The wall of silence surrounding the slaughter in Yemen has finally collapsed Yemen. Washington has spoken through the Secretary of State and the Minister of Defense: “The parties in conflict have 30 days to end the fighting and sit around the negotiating table”.

The Sana’a government says it is ready to restart peace talks with the Houthi Shiite rebels, in the context of growing international pressure for the end of the conflict. “Yemen – reads a statement released yesterday – is ready to immediately launch negotiations [of peace]”, responding to a UN appeal in this regard.

In the meantime, after almost four years, even the US newspapers have finally “discovered” the tragedy: the New York Times recently published a shocking photographic reportage of the Yemeni victims, especially children, reduced to skin and bone. The war is being called “one of the most inhumane tragedies since the Second World War”.

Paris and London have welcomed the positive change in attitude but no comment has yet come from the two countries that triggered the war: The United Arab Emirates and Saudi Arabia, both of which are allies of the USA,  Britain and France.

Since the very first day of their military intervention in Yemen, Riyadh and Abu Dhabi have enjoyed the support of the United States with Intelligence, satellite images, logistic help and more; perhaps even with military experts on the field and in air raids. A conviction so rooted in the Ansar Allah, that every missile launch in the direction of Saudi Arabia or the Emirates comes with the cry of “Death to America”.

The “Khashoggi affair”, with all that has emerged, has served to draw attention to another crime committed against humanity and always under the direct guidance of the heir to the throne Mohammad bin Salman (Mbs), in Riyadh defined architect and architect of the war in Yemen. The military defeats of the coalition led by Saudi Arabia and the Emirates in the battle for control of the port of Hodeyda caused heavy losses in human lives on both sides. And, according to AsiaNews sources,  forced the “coalition” (especially Saudi Arabia and United Arab Emirates) to look for new mercenaries from Somalia and other African countries.

After repeated military failures and the escalation of the humanitarian tragedy, a situation that is no longer sustainable has been reached. The tragedy is of such proportions that not even the powerful countries and allies of the West can continue to tolerate, support and cover it.

Trapped in the Yemeni quagmire, both Abu Dhabi and Riyadh have repeatedly given signs of wanting to withdraw without losing face. After many defeats, these two countries have turned to many international organizations. This is why it is unlikely that Saudi Arabia and the United Nations will miss the way out now being offered by the United States.

However, the same cannot be said of the Ansar Allah [the Houthi], who know they have won the war and who see the proposed negotiations  as an attempt to achieve through political means what war has failed to deliver. Hazzam Al Assad, of the Shia rebel Political Bureau, has declared: “We know very well that the planes that kill women and children are American aircraft … we know that there is an American cover […] consequently an end to aggression occurs at the hands of the Americans and not of Saudi Arabia or the United Arab Emirates “.

“The Americans – he concludes – are trying to divert attention from the crimes perpetrated by Saudi Arabia in Yemen or the murder of journalist Jamal Khashoggi”. And he accused Washington through this proposal tof aiming for  “the partition of Yemen”, the real reason for the war wanted by Washington. The only solution to the crisis remains “inter-Yemeni and can be achieved by the Yemenis themselves if left free from foreign interference”.

He is echoed by Mohamed Ali Al Houthi, who considers the US declaration “formal, not serious and an escape from responsibility”. The foreign minister of Sanaa instead, Hisham Sharaf, for his part welcomed “the efforts of the UN special envoy for Yemen that aim to end the armed clashes, lift the embargo and reach a lasting political solution “.

Abdel Ghani, a Yemeni analyst, states that “the United States is part of the problem and cannot be part of the solution at the same time and, let alone mediators “. The fundamental question remains: how can the international community detect the challenge and stop the trail of hunger and epidemics threatening to exterminate an entire innocent people of 23 million inhabitants.