People living and working at the frontier separating San Diego and Tijuana raised concerns on Thursday after US President Donald Trump threatened to close the entire US-Mexico border to stop a caravan of migrants from Central America.
For taxi driver Jorge Sierra, shutting down the San Ysidro border could endanger his entire livelihood.
“Economically, we would do worse, yes. Because, if they close the border, there’ll be no clients, we’ll have to go work downtown, we’d have to go to San Diego.”
Genesis, an employee at metroPCS phone company believed closing the border would be “very chaotic” and would have “an impact on all [of] the businesses around.” She said a lot of people people travel between Mexico and the US because of the high-cost of living in the northern country.
“I live in Tijuana and I work here in the United States, so it’s gonna be terrible if they close the border, I think it’s gonna be awful for us,” said Alejandra, an employee of a bus company operating out of the border.
On Wednesday, US President Trump promised to send the military to the southern border in an effort to stop the migrant caravan from entering the United States.