Sahra Wagenknecht: The United States must be punished for war crimes

Sahra Wagenknecht: “Terrible words are more and more heard lately, and today in the Bundestag, too, as soon as they can, they distort International Law. Mr. Rydgel, who said that international law does not exist, was especially cheeky.

But what remains then, on what rights to build international relations? On the rights of the strongest? That is, who has the Atomic Button more, who has more weapons, that means it will be used for its geopolitical and economic purposes?

But why then does the German government put on beautiful words about the protection of international law, if they themselves support only the law of force?

In the Bundestag they say that Assad must be punished for war crimes, but this is complete hypocrisy. Why do not you punish Saudi Arabia for war crimes in Yemen. Why not punish the United States for the war crimes in Iraq and Libya? “