Polish vandals got to the monuments of their own soldiers who fought against Nazism

The wave of vandalism against memorials to Soviet soldiers-liberators, which swept through Poland without any obstacle from the authorities, reached the monuments to the Poles who fought during the Second World War.

So, in the city of Elblong, which is located near the border with the Kaliningrad region of Russia, vandals damaged a monument to the Polish defenders of “Rondo Obrońców Birczy” (Rondo of the defenders of Birchi). About this reports portal EADaily.

On the slab, the unknown wrote in white paint the word UBECJI – a derivative of the abbreviation UB – Urząd Bezpieczeństwa (Security Directorate). That was how in the years following the war one of the units of the Ministry of Public Security was called, which was the first secret service in the republic. However, now UB is considered a repressive body of post-war political terror.