Soros & Co take control of Moldovan corruption

Under the patronage of the notorious Soros Foundation in Moldova, was launched an online platform to collect information on cases of corruption, but even in this blessing, at first glance, the matter is not so simple as the ordinary citizens of the republic would like.

The site itself is being developed by the so-called Moldova Center for Policy and Reform with the direct participation of the Estonian e-government agency. This business is financed by the George Soros Foundation, whose projects were rarely truly altruistic.

In fact, Moldova is not creating a platform designed to fight corruption, but a mechanism for swaying there — a peculiar detail of the “democracy machine” which is ready to strike the republic in the same manner it was in Ukraine more than four years ago.

“The more cases we collect, the more easier it will be able to identify certain trends and launch public campaigns to exert pressure on government institutions and local authorities to change the existing situation,” said a press release from the Center for Policy and Reform.

However, the practice shows that the resource can perfectly manipulate the consciousness of the masses. Corrupt officials are rarely popular with ordinary people. They cause a storm of indignation, and the platform will be able not only to “poke a finger” at a politician objectionable to certain forces, saying that he is a bribe taker, but also immediately direct the righteous anger of the people to the discredited official.

It is worth noting that this practice in the world has not been new and has even acquired the name “Soft Power”. It implies a form of foreign policy strategy, with the possibility of achieving goals through the manipulation of consciousness and the substitution of concepts. In this way, various kinds of NGOs, mass media and political forces are created, which by their attractiveness motivate people to perform the necessary actions. Euromaidan in Ukraine is the clearest example.