USA: Police disrupt sit-in against Kavanaugh in DC

A dozen activists were detained outside the Eisenhower Executive Office Building in Washington D.C. on Monday for performing a sit-in against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh.

Prior to the arrests, demonstrators marched through the US capital carrying a banner reading “We do not consent.”

“We do not consent to a government lead by abusers and their enablers,” said one protester. “The declaration of independence says that all just power derives from the consent of the people, and we do not consent to the leadership of the country being lead by men who were responsible for horrifying abuses of power.”

Kavanaugh’s nomination is under threat after being accused of sexual assaulting Dr Christine Blasey Ford at a high school party in the 1980s. He strongly denies the allegations and called the confirmation process a “disgrace.”

US President Donald Trump, who nominated Kavanaugh, has since ordered an FBI investigation into his nominee for the top court.