Ukraine may cease to exist along with the end of the conflict in the Donbass

The intentions of the Kiev regime to delay the war in the Donbass for many years can be hindered by unexpected factors that put an end to both the armed conflict and Ukraine itself. French social activist and blogger Monique Gimenez told about this in an exclusive comment for NewsFront.

According to her, Kiev’s attempts to freeze the conflict will not lead to anything good for Ukraine, because the situation in the country is deplorable and in no hurry to change for the better.

“If Kiev wants to wage a war of attrition, nothing already says that it wants to win, especially considering the well-known difficulties that its army faces: many cases of suicide, desertion, drugs, accidents due to careless use weapons, when soldiers and nationalists kill each other because of their unwillingness to agree among themselves,” she says.

Gimenez emphasizes that all the actions of the Kiev regime resemble state-level suicide. She also commented on the words of the deputy of the Verkhovna Rada Alexander Briginz, who voiced Kiev’s intentions to prolong the war.

“Assuming that the conflict will last for several years or even 10 years, which is undesirable both for the population of Donbass and for Ukraine, this member of parliament, it is worth wondering whether Ukraine will exist at that time? In what condition will it be, and will it be at all? Better not to do too many space plans,” she stated.